I.-The protocols referred to in the fifth paragraph of Article L. 4311-1 comply with the recommendations for good practice drawn up or validated by the Haute Autorité de Santé.
They detail the activities carried out by the nurses involved in their implementation.
They lay down the eligibility and withdrawal criteria for the patients concerned, as well as the procedures for informing them about the protocol.
They determine the organisational conditions for ensuring access, where necessary, to the patient’s GP or, failing that, to a doctor practising within the same coordinated practice system.
They define the organisational conditions for a risk management approach and team analysis of undesirable events linked to their application.
They lay down the conditions for updating them.
II. -For the application of the fifth paragraph of article L. 4311-1, nurses undergo additional training, which includes a theoretical component, for which the protocols mentioned in I define the objectives and duration, and a practical component, consisting of the supervision of the care of a minimum number of patients, determined by the said protocols, by a doctor practising within the teams and structures mentioned in articles L. 1411-11-1, L. 1434-12, L. 6323-1 and L. 6323-3.
III.-Patients are informed of the conditions under which they will be cared for under these protocols.
With the patient’s agreement and unless the doctor indicates otherwise on the prescription, the nurse informs the patient’s designated GP, or failing that the prescribing doctor practising within the same coordinated practice system, of his plan to adapt the patient’s treatment, by applying the protocol mentioned in I for a fixed period which may not exceed one year.
The nurse will inform the attending doctor, or failing that the prescribing doctor practising within the same coordinated practice system, of any dosage adjustments made, by any secure means determined by the protocol.
IV.The teams or structures mentioned in articles L. 1411-11-1, L. 1434-12, L. 6323-1 and L. 6323-3 include the protocols mentioned in I in their healthcare project, which is brought to the attention of the regional health agency.
The regional health agencies send these protocols for information to the national interprofessional cooperation committee mentioned in article L. 4011-3, which ensures that the protocols are applied in a coordinated manner throughout the country.