The training leading to the state diploma of masseur-physiotherapist, organised in two cycles of four semesters each, lasts four years, i.e. eight semesters.
The training programme organises the development of professional skills. The first cycle provides the fundamental scientific, methodological and professional teaching needed to understand health problems and clinical situations encountered in physiotherapy. The second cycle, based on the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired, organises the development of kinesitherapy diagnostic and intervention skills in all areas of professional practice.
The teaching is spread over the four years as follows:
1° Theoretical and practical training of 1,980 hours, in the form of lectures (895 hours) and tutorials (1,085 hours);
2° 1,470 hours of training in masso-kinésithérapique practice.
Additional personal work is estimated at approximately 3,220 hours.
The total student workload is 6,670 hours.
The programme and organisation of the training in conjunction with the university are laid down by order of the ministers responsible for health and higher education.