Articles D. 4333-1 to D. 4333-6-1 are applicable to speech therapists and orthoptists, subject to the following adaptations:
1° In the second sentence of article D. 4333-1, the words: “in article L. 4333-1” are replaced by the words: “in articles L. 4341-2 and L.L. 4342-2” ;
2° The third paragraph of article D. 4333-1 is replaced by a paragraph worded as follows:
“For speech therapists and orthoptists covered by the provisions of article L. 4138-2 of the Defence Code, the operations for collecting or updating the information mentioned in the first and second paragraphs are carried out, within the same timeframe, by the Armed Forces Health Service. ” ;
3° In article D. 4333-2, the words: “of article L. 4333-1-1” are replaced by the words: “of articles L. 4341-2-2 and L. 4342-2-2”;
4° In the first paragraph of article D. 4333-6-1, the words: “of article L. 4333-1” are replaced by the words: “of articles L. 4341-2 and L.L. 4342-2”.