In the premises defined in article D. 4361-19, the hearing-aid acoustician has the following equipment:
1° Audioprosthetic measurement equipment :
a) A standardised class A tonal and vocal audiometer or an equivalent audiometric unit with outputs for headphones, vibrator and loudspeaker. A sound localisation system consists of at least three loudspeakers at least one metre apart from the test subject;
b) A device for balancing stereophonic prostheses;
c) A magnetic loop;
d) A device for carrying out hearing tests in noise;
e) An audiometric conditioning device adaptable to the psychomotor aptitudes of the subject being tested, including in particular, in the case of the fitting of a hearing aid to a young child, child audiology equipment;
f) A device for testing the effectiveness of hearing aids in relation to different means of communication;
g) An electro-acoustic measurement system for checking the characteristics of hearing correction amplifiers: response curve, gain or acoustic formula, distortion, output level, etc;
h) A standardised precision sound level meter.
2° Equipment and products required for taking impressions of the auditory canal:
a) Illuminating otoscope ;
b) Clar mirror for examining the external auditory canal;
c) Impression syringes;
d) Ear speculum.
3° Maintenance equipment required for hearing correction amplifiers and earmolds.