Where the accused declares to limit, in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 502, the scope of his appeal on the public prosecution to the penalties imposed, to some of them or to the terms of their application, the form of the statement of appeal made pursuant to articles 502 or 503 must include a statement informing the appellant of his right to go back on this limitation, by means of a supplementary statement, within one month of the appeal being lodged and in accordance with the procedures set out in the first and third paragraphs of article 502 or the first and second paragraphs of article 503.
This specifies that if the limitation of the scope of the appeal on the public prosecution to the sentences handed down was not made by the accused’s lawyer or by the accused in the presence of his lawyer, the accused may also go back on this limitation at the hearing.
Where the statement of appeal is made by the accused in person, it shall specify whether or not it was made in the presence of his lawyer.
The limitation on the accused’s appeal in accordance with the first paragraph shall have no effect if the public prosecutor lodges an appeal against the entire decision handed down on the public prosecution, including during a cross-appeal. If the accused withdraws the limitation on his appeal within one month, the parties have a further period of five days in which to lodge a cross-appeal.