The declaration provided for in article L. 5125-16 is made, prior to operation, by the pharmacist or the private practice company to the regional council of section A of the Ordre des pharmaciens or, where applicable, to the delegates mentioned in article L. 4232-11, at the time of his application for registration on the roll provided for in article R. 4222-1.
In the event of the cessation of the operation of a pharmacy, the transfer or regrouping of a pharmacy or any other change affecting the ownership of a pharmacy, the pharmacist or company must provide the corresponding information to the regional council of section A or, where applicable, to the local delegation to which the pharmacist or company belongs, within fifteen days of the date of production of the administrative act recording or authorising this change.
The regional council of section A and the central council of section E immediately transmit information concerning the commencement, changes and cessation of operation of pharmacies to the body mentioned in the first paragraph of article D. 4221-23.
In addition to this information, the regional council of section A and the central council of section E communicate to the public health inspecting pharmacists, no later than the effective date of the change affecting the operation or ownership of the pharmacy, the information gathered as part of the procedures provided for in the first and second paragraphs, which is necessary for them to carry out their inspection mission mentioned in article L. 5127-1.