The employer subject to the employment obligation referred to in the second paragraph of article L. 5212-1 shall provide information annually, in the declaration provided for inarticle L. 133-5-3 of the Social Security Code, made for the period of employment in April of the year following that in respect of which the declaration relating to the employment obligation is made:
-the number of disabled employees made available to it by a temporary employment agency or an employers’ group;
-the amount of the contribution initially due, before the deductions provided for in articles L. 5212-10-1, L. 5212-11 and the third paragraph of article L. 5212-9, calculated in accordance with the provisions of article D. 5212-20 ;
-the amount of the non-capped deduction linked to the conclusion of supply, subcontracting or service provision contracts with adapted companies, establishments or services providing assistance through work, disabled self-employed workers or with wage portage companies when the ported employee is recognised as benefiting from the employment obligation provided for in Article L. 5212-13, calculated in accordance with the provisions of article D. 5212-22 ;
-the amount of the non-capped deduction linked to deductible expenses, calculated in accordance with the provisions of article D. 5212-23 ;
-the amount of the non-capped deduction linked to the number of employees of the company working in jobs requiring special skills, in accordance with the provisions of the third paragraph of article L. 5212-9;
-the amount of the contribution mentioned in article L. 5212-9;
-where applicable, whether it meets the employment obligation by concluding an approved branch, group or company agreement referred to in Article L. 5212-8.
When an amount of contribution is due, the employer pays it on the date of the declaration mentioned in the first paragraph.
The declaration and, where applicable, the payment are made to the body that transmitted the information mentioned in article D. 5212-5.
When the company comprises several establishments, the declaration and payment are made by one of its establishments only.