The supported employment scheme referred to in article L. 5213-2-1 is implemented for the purpose of integration into the ordinary working environment, by a legal entity which organises, by means of the management agreement referred to in III of the same article, support for the professional integration and medico-social assistance of the disabled worker as well as assistance for his or her employer. It is part of the regional plan for the integration of disabled workers defined in article L. 5211-5.
The managing legal entity is :
1° Either an establishment or service mentioned in 5° or 7° of article L. 312-1 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles (social action and family code ) which has signed a management agreement with at least one of the bodies mentioned in articles L. 5214-3-1, L. 5312-1 and L. 5314-1 of this code;
2° Or a body, in particular an establishment or service mentioned in 1° or 2° of Article L. 312-1 of the Social Action and Family Code, which has signed a management agreement with an establishment or service mentioned in the previous paragraph and with at least one of the bodies mentioned in the same paragraph.