I.-The managing legal entity responsible for implementing the supported employment scheme complies with a set of specifications defined, for each managing entity, by the regional health agency, in conjunction with the regional directorate for companies, competition, consumption, labour and employment, after consultation with the Development Fund for the Professional Integration of Disabled People mentioned in article L. 5214-1 and the Fund for the Integration of Disabled People in the Civil Service.
II.-The specifications include in particular:
1° A description of the activities and services to support professional integration and the medico-social support services offered, as well as the procedures for entering and leaving the scheme. These activities and services are tailored to the needs of the disabled worker and cover all the periods during which support is required. This support includes at least the following four modules:
a) Assessing the situation of the disabled worker, taking into account his or her career plan, abilities and needs, as well as, where applicable, the needs of the employer;
b) Determining the career plan and helping to implement it, with a view to finding a job in an ordinary working environment as quickly as possible;
c) Assisting the beneficiary in his or her job search by liaising with companies likely to recruit him or her;
d) Support in employment in order to secure the disabled worker’s career path, in particular by facilitating access to training and skills assessment, including, if necessary, intermediation between the disabled person and his or her employer, as well as arrangements for adapting or adapting the working environment to the needs of the disabled person, in conjunction with the company’s stakeholders, in particular the occupational physician;
2° A description of the nature of the activities and services designed to meet the needs of employers, which may include ad hoc support from the disabled person’s employment adviser to prevent or alleviate difficulties encountered in carrying out the tasks entrusted to the disabled worker, to ensure that arrangements are made for adapting to the work group, in particular by raising awareness and training work teams, to assess and adapt the position and work environment, and to facilitate skills management and the career path of the disabled worker in conjunction with the company’s players, including the company doctor;
3° A presentation of the companies with which the legal entity managing the supported employment scheme plans to work in the territory in question, as well as its efforts to raise awareness among new companies likely to recruit disabled workers;
4° A presentation of the resources mobilised for the implementation of the actions provided for in the previous paragraphs, in particular the staff, their qualifications and the skills mobilised, the organisation chosen for the support of the disabled worker and the employer by the same supported employment referent with regard to the number of people likely to be supported in any one year;
5° The management agreement referred to in III of Article L. 5213-2-1 ;
6° The procedures for monitoring and evaluating the supported employment scheme, including quantitative and qualitative data relating to the profiles of the disabled workers and employers supported, the active file, the actual duration of support, exits from the scheme and the reasons for them, the nature of the services used and any difficulties encountered at each stage of support. The indicators are monitored by the managing legal entity in accordance with a national reference system drawn up in accordance with the procedures specified in the agreement provided for in article D. 5213-91.