I.-The decision to admit the disabled worker to the scheme, taken with the agreement of the person concerned, is made by the commission referred to inarticle L. 146-9 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles in accordance with the provisions of article L. 241-6 of the same code.
The supported employment scheme and the relevant Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (Departmental Home for Disabled People) organise, if necessary within the framework of an agreement, the partnership and exchange procedures enabling the commission referred to in the aforementioned article L. 146-9 to make an emergency decision under 5° of article R. 241-28 of the same code.
II – Prior to the decisions mentioned in I, a preliminary assessment may be carried out at the request of the disabled worker or the departmental disabled people’s centre to which he/she belongs in order to determine whether, in the light of his/her career plan, abilities and needs, as well as the needs of the employer, the disabled worker may enter the scheme. For the purposes of this assessment, the resources and services of the partners involved in the management agreement referred to in I of article D. 5313-88, the Fonds de développement pour l’insertion professionnelle des handicapés and the Fonds d’insertion des personnes handicapées dans la fonction publique may be mobilised.
III – The decision is notified to the person concerned, to the manager of the supported employment scheme for the purposes of drawing up the individual agreement provided for in II of article L. 5213-2-1 and, where applicable, to the employer.