The constitution of provisions for risks and charges is mandatory as soon as a risk arises. The recognition of depreciation is mandatory in the event of a loss of value of an asset.
The President of the Metropolitan Council recognises the depreciation or establishes the provision up to the amount of the loss of value recognised or up to the amount of the risk. The depreciation or provision is adjusted annually according to changes in the loss of value or changes in the risk. It is written back when it is no longer required, i.e. when the loss of value disappears or the risk materialises or when the risk is no longer likely to materialise.
The depreciation or provision, as well as its monitoring and use, are recorded on the statement of depreciation and provisions attached to the budget and the administrative account.
The metropolitan authority may neutralise the budget for the allocation to provisions and depreciation, net of write-backs of provisions and depreciation. These provisions do not apply to provisions and depreciations set up in the following cases:
1° As soon as litigation is initiated against the metropolis in the first instance;
2° As soon as collective proceedings are initiated as provided for in Book VI of the Commercial Code;
3° When the recovery of outstanding debts on third-party accounts is compromised despite the diligence of the public accountant.