Board meetings are not open to the public.
The Board may only validly deliberate when the majority of the members in office attend the meeting.
However, if the required majority is not reached after the meeting has been duly convened, the deliberations taken after the second convening, which must take place at least three days and at most eight days apart, are valid regardless of the number of members present.
Voting shall be by secret ballot if one of the members present so requests.
In the event of a tie, a second ballot shall be held. In the event of a new tie, except in the case of a secret ballot, the Chairman has the casting vote.
Postal votes and proxy votes are not permitted.
When the Board of Directors examines individual questions, the opinion is given without the presence of the Board member whose situation is being examined or any person who is related to the person concerned by blood or marriage up to and including the fourth degree. Votes are taken by secret ballot.