The rate of contributions due under II of Article L. 621-5-3 is set :
1° For the public offers mentioned in 1°, at 0.30 per thousand of the value of the financial instruments purchased, exchanged, presented or compensated when the transaction is carried out on securities giving or capable of giving direct or indirect access to capital or voting rights, and at 0.15 per thousand in other cases, these rates being used to calculate the amount that is added to a fixed contribution of 10,000 euros per transaction. The value of the financial instruments purchased is equal to the number of shares purchased multiplied by the price of the public offer. The value of the financial instruments exchanged is equal to the number of securities offered in exchange for the securities tendered multiplied by the first quoted price of the security offered on the day the result of the offer is published by the Autorité des marchés financiers ;
2° In the case of the transactions referred to in 2° and 3°, 0.20 per thousand of the value of the shares or mutualist certificates issued or sold, and of the securities bought back.