I.-The result of the medical biology examination is validated by a medical biologist before any communication.
The surname and first name of the medical biologist appear in full on the communicated result of the examination.
II – The contextual interpretation of results referred to in Articles L. 6211-2 and L. 6211-19 consists of writing down the biological significance of one or more results, taken individually or as a whole, in relation to the relevant clinical elements. Contextual interpretation may be carried out after the result has been validated, in the event of an urgent therapeutic decision or during periods when medical biology services are not unavailable. It is carried out at the same time as validation in other cases. The interpretation is signed by the medical biologist.
III – The validated results of the medical biology test(s) and their contextual interpretation appear in a report which includes the information mentioned in Article R. 6222-3, the identification information mentioned in Article D. 6211-2 and the identification of the signing medical biologist(s). The report includes the main relevant elements of the clinical context. When results are communicated in part, the report should bear the words “partial result” or “partial results”.
IV – Appropriate communication of the result to the prescriber and the patient is carried out, for each examination, within the time allowed by current scientific knowledge for the analytical phase, as a matter of urgency if necessary. The laboratory is organised in such a way that emergency reporting times are respected for all medical situations that require it.
V.-The report is sent to the prescriber electronically.
The report is sent to the patient electronically or, at the patient’s request, on paper.