The statements annexed to the budget documents pursuant to article L. 6361-11 are as follows:
I. – Statements annexed to the budget and the administrative account :
1° Tables summarising the statement of borrowings and debts;
2° Presentation of the statement of provisions;
3° Presentation of the methods used for depreciation;
4° Presentation of the balance of financial transactions;
5° Presentation of the statement of charges transferred to investment;
6° Presentation of the method of financing transactions on behalf of third parties ;
7° Presentation of commitments given and received;
8° Presentation of the use of revenue subject to special appropriation;
9° Statement of personnel;
10° List of grouping bodies of which the local authority is a member;
11° List of establishments or services created by the local authority;
12° Table tracing decisions on rates of contributions.
II. – Statements appended to the administrative account only:
1° Statement of changes in fixed assets;
2° Statement showing the amount of revenue and expenditure allocated to services subject to value added tax which are not the subject of a budget separate from the general budget.