For the application of article D. 71-111-15 :
1° The population to be taken into account is the total population, municipal and counted separately, as it results from the last known census on the date of production of the budget documents;
2° Actual operating expenditure means all expenditure for the financial year resulting in real movements. However, for the application of 1°, expenditure corresponding to direct labour transferred to the investment section is excluded. For the application of 8°, expenditure corresponding to direct labour and charges transferred to the investment section are excluded;
3° Direct taxation refers to the proceeds of direct taxes and similar taxes, the assessment and collection of which is carried out in accordance with the General Tax Code. Excluded are allocations from the departmental business tax equalisation fund and payments allocated by the State to compensate for losses of territorial economic contribution and mining royalty bases;
4° Actual operating revenue refers to all operating revenue for the financial year resulting in actual movements ;
5° Gross capital expenditure includes acquisitions of movable and immovable property, work in progress, intangible fixed assets, investment work carried out on a contract basis and, lastly, transactions on behalf of third parties…;
6° Outstanding debt is obtained by aggregating long- and medium-term loans and debts;
When the local authority has to pay an indemnity for the early repayment of a loan, and in the event that it benefits from aid granted by the support fund created by the article 92 of Law no. 2013-1278 of 29 December 2013 on finance for 2014, the local authority may deduct from this outstanding debt the amount of the claim still to be collected from the support fund.
7° The annual capital repayment of debt refers to loan repayments made on a definitive basis.