The programme or commitment authorisations and any revisions thereof shall be presented by the President of the Assembly of French Guyana. They are voted on by the Assembly of French Guiana when adopting the budget for the financial year or amending decisions.
The Assembly of French Guiana, or the standing committee where this has been delegated, allocates programme authorisations and commitment authorisations by chapter and, where applicable, by article.
Programme authorisations correspond to multi-annual expenditure relating to a specific fixed asset or set of fixed assets, acquired or completed by the territorial authority of French Guyana, or to equipment subsidies paid to third parties.
The multi-annual management statement, presented by the President of the Assembly of French Guyana when the administrative account is voted, specifies in particular the rate of coverage of programme and commitment authorisations. It shall be accompanied by the statement relating to the status of programme and commitment authorisations, the calculation and presentation procedures for which shall be laid down by joint order of the ministers responsible for local authorities and the budget.
The statement shall be accompanied by the statement relating to the status of programme and commitment authorisations, the calculation and presentation procedures for which shall be laid down by joint order of the ministers responsible for local authorities and the budget.