The mission of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée is :
1° To observe developments in the professions and activities of the cinema and other arts and industries of the moving image, their technical, legal, economic and social environment as well as the conditions of training and access to the professions concerned. To this end :
a) It gathers all useful information, in particular commercial and financial information, and disseminates economic and statistical information, in compliance with legislation on the protection of personal data and business secrecy;
b) It organises consultations with representatives of the professional sectors concerned on matters falling within its remit;
2° To contribute, in the general interest, to the financing and development of the cinema and other moving image arts and industries and to facilitate their adaptation to market and technological developments. To this end, it supports, in particular by granting financial aid:
a) The creation, production, distribution, broadcasting and promotion of cinematographic and audiovisual works and multimedia works, as well as the diversity of forms of cinematographic, audiovisual and multimedia expression and broadcasting;
b) The creation and modernisation of cinemas, as well as the adaptation of technical industries to technological developments and technological innovation in the field of cinema and other moving image arts and industries;
c) Actions in favour of image education and cultural dissemination through the moving image;
d) Actions aimed at professions and activities in the cinema and other arts and industries of the moving image, as well as those likely to encourage the promotion and development of the cinema and other arts and industries of the moving image in France and abroad;
e) Cinematographic, audiovisual and multimedia creation and production in developing countries, in particular by setting up cooperation and exchange actions and programmes;
f) Initial and continuing vocational training;
g) Collection, conservation, restoration, distribution and promotion of film heritage;
h) Social works and professional organisations and unions;
3° Controlling the takings from the exploitation of cinematographic or audiovisual works and documents made by the operators of cinematographic entertainment establishments and by the publishers of videograms intended for the private use of the public;
4° Keeping the cinema and audiovisual registers and, within this framework, centralising and communicating to rights holders all information relating to revenues from the exhibition of cinematographic and audiovisual works;
5° Collecting, conserving, restoring and promoting cinematographic heritage. To this end, it carries out, in particular, the tasks relating to legal deposit entrusted to it by Title III of Book I of the Heritage Code; it receives cinematographic documents and cultural assets relating to cinematography entrusted to it and makes acquisitions, either on its own behalf or on behalf of the State, intended to enrich the collections in its care;
6° To participate in the fight against counterfeiting of cinematographic and audiovisual works and multimedia works.
In addition, the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée may, within the framework of agreements concluded with the State, public establishments of the State and with any association or body subject to the control of the Cour des Comptes, ensure the centralisation of all or part of the credits allocated to their budgets, devoted to the creation, production and distribution of cinematographic and audiovisual works and multimedia works.