Pursuant to the provisions applicable in the Moselle, Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin départements, the following also constitute enforceable titles:
1° Deeds drawn up by a notary in these three départements where they relate to a claim for the payment of a specific or determinable sum of money, or the provision of a specific or determinable quantity of other fungible goods or securities, and where the debtor consents in the deed to immediate enforcement;
2° Cost tax orders. An order to pay costs, affixed to the judgment in accordance with article 105 of the local code of civil procedure, may be enforced by virtue of the enforceable copy of this judgment. A specific enforceable copy of the tax order is not required;
3° Enforceable collocation statements;
4° Partition deeds drawn up pursuant to Title VI of the law of 1st June 1924 implementing French civil legislation in the departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle;
5° Constraints issued by agricultural accident insurance funds for the recovery of overdue contributions.