I.-Health professionals will access the shared medical record of a person who is unable to express their wishes, in the event of a situation involving an immediate risk to their health, unless this person has previously expressed their express opposition to their record being consulted or added to in such a situation.
The regulating doctor at the emergency medical assistance call reception and regulation centre mentioned in article L. 6311-2 who receives a call concerning a person will access that person’s shared medical record, unless that person had previously expressed their express opposition to their record being consulted in such a situation.
II -After informing the person concerned, the healthcare professional obtains their consent for another healthcare professional to whom it may be necessary to entrust part of the service to access their shared medical record and add to it.
III – Any professional involved in the care of a person in application of articles L. 1110-4 and L. 1110-12 may access and add to the person’s shared medical record, subject to the person’s prior consent. Subsequent additions to the shared medical record by this same professional are subject to the person being cared for simply being informed.
IV-The occupational physician responsible for monitoring a person’s state of health may access their shared medical record and add to it, subject to their express consent and prior information as to the possibilities of restricting access to the content of their record.
V.-The fire brigade doctor responsible for monitoring a person’s state of health may access and add to their shared medical file, subject to the express consent of the said person and their prior information as to the possibilities of restricting access to the content of their file.
If it is impossible to express consent, the fire brigade doctor responsible for monitoring a person’s state of health may access the person’s shared medical record and add to it, subject to the express consent of a trusted third party as defined in article L. 1111-6 and to the person’s being informed in advance of the possibilities of restricting access to the content of the record.
In the absence of a trusted third party and in the event of a life-threatening situation, the fire service doctor responsible for monitoring a person’s state of health may access the shared medical record and add to it without prior authorisation.