By way of derogation from article 371-1 of the Civil Code, the doctor or midwife may dispense with obtaining the consent of the holder(s) of parental authority for medical decisions to be taken when the preventive action, screening, diagnosis, treatment or intervention is required to safeguard the health of a minor, if the latter expressly objects to the consultation of the holder(s) of parental authority in order to keep his/her state of health secret. However, the doctor or midwife must first endeavour to obtain the minor’s consent to this consultation. If the minor maintains his or her opposition, the doctor or midwife may carry out the preventive action, screening, diagnosis, treatment or intervention. In this case, the minor must be accompanied by an adult of his or her choice.
When a minor, whose family ties have been severed, receives personal reimbursement of health and maternity insurance benefits in kind and of the supplementary cover introduced by law no. 99-641 of 27 July 1999 creating universal health cover, his/her consent alone is required.