The deliberative assembly of the local authority decides on the principle and procedures for organising the consultation. Its deliberation expressly states that this consultation is only a request for an opinion. It sets the polling day and convenes the voters. It is sent to the State representative at least two months before the date of the ballot. If the State representative considers the decision to be illegal, he has ten days from receipt to refer it to the administrative court. The president of the administrative court or the magistrate delegated by him shall rule within one month, in the first and last instance, on the application for suspension. This request shall be granted if one of the grounds invoked appears, in the state of the investigation, to be capable of creating a serious doubt as to the legality of the project submitted for consultation.
When the deliberation organising the consultation is of such a nature as to compromise the exercise of a public or individual freedom, the president of the administrative tribunal or the magistrate delegated by him shall pronounce its suspension within forty-eight hours.