Any person who considers that he or she has suffered harm as a result of one or more malformations or developmental disorders attributable to the prescription, before 31 December 2015, of sodium valproate or one of its derivatives during pregnancy, or where applicable, his or her legal representative in the case of a minor or his or her successors, may refer the matter to the Office national d’indemnisation des accidents médicaux, des affections iatrogènes et des infections nosocomiales (National Office for Compensation for Medical Accidents, Iatrogenic Conditions and Nosocomial Infections) with a view to obtaining recognition of the imputability of this harm to this prescription. If the victim is an adult subject to a legal protection measure with representation, the person responsible for this measure may also refer the matter to the Office.
The request must specify the name of the medicines administered and any evidence of the administration of sodium valproate or one of its derivatives.
Referral to the Office suspends the limitation and appeal periods until the procedure provided for in this section has been completed.