In companies with at least fifty employees, when the results obtained by the company with regard to the indicators mentioned in article L. 1142-8 are below a level defined by decree, the negotiations on professional equality provided for in 2° of article L. 2242-1 also cover appropriate and relevant corrective measures and, where applicable, the annual or multi-year programming of financial measures to catch up on salaries. In the absence of an agreement providing for such measures, they are determined by decision of the employer, after consultation of the social and economic committee. The decision is filed with the administrative authority under the same conditions as the action plan mentioned in article L. 2242-3. The administrative authority may submit observations on the measures provided for by the agreement or the employer’s decision.
The employer subject to the obligation provided for in the first paragraph of this article shall publish the corrective measures, by means of external communication and within the company, in accordance with the procedures defined by decree.