When the employer terminates a contract in progress or at the end of the trial period defined in articles L. 1221-19 to L. 1221-24 or in article L. 1242-10 for contracts stipulating a trial period of at least one week, the employee is notified within a period which may not be less than :
1° Twenty-four hours if the employee is present for less than eight days ;
2° Forty-eight hours between eight days and one month’s presence;
3° Two weeks after one month’s presence;
4° One month after three months’ presence.
The trial period, including renewals, may not be extended due to the length of the notice period.
If the notice period has not been respected, the employee will be entitled, unless he is guilty of serious misconduct, to compensation in lieu of notice. This indemnity is equal to the amount of the wages and benefits that the employee would have received if he had performed his work up to the expiry of the notice period, including the compensatory indemnity for paid holidays.