Parental education leave and the period of part-time work are initially for a maximum of one year. They may be extended twice to end at the latest at the end of the periods defined in the second and fourth paragraphs, regardless of when they began.
Parental childcare leave and the period of part-time work end no later than the child’s third birthday.
In the event of multiple births, parental leave may be extended until the children start nursery school. In the case of multiple births of at least three children or the simultaneous arrival of at least three children adopted or entrusted for adoption, it may be extended five times, ending no later than the children’s sixth birthday.
In the event of the adoption of a child under the age of three, the parental leave and the period of part-time work end three years after the child’s arrival at home.
When the child adopted or entrusted for adoption is over three years old but has not yet reached compulsory school age, the parental leave and the period of part-time work may not exceed one year from the date of the child’s arrival at home.