When justified by the protection of public health, in the event of a serious and exceptional health risk, as provided for inarticle L. 16-10-1 of the Social Security Code, in particular an epidemic, requiring the urgent adoption of appropriate conditions for the payment of the supplementary allowance provided for in article L. 1226-1 of this Code, derogating from ordinary law, these may be provided for by decree, for a limited period which may not exceed one year.
Under the conditions and within the limits set by this decree, the derogations implemented in application of the first paragraph of this article may relate to :
1° The condition of seniority provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 1226-1;
2° The reason for absence from work provided for in the same first paragraph;
3° The conditions provided for in 1° and 3° of the same article L. 1226-1;
4° The exclusion of the categories of employees mentioned in the fifth paragraph of the said article L. 1226-1;
5° The rates of additional compensation provided for by the decree adopted for the application of the last paragraph of the same article L. 1226-1;
6° The deadlines set by the same decree;
7° The methods for calculating additional compensation provided for by the same decree.
The decree mentioned in the first paragraph of this article determines the duration and conditions of implementation of the derogations and may give them retroactive effect, up to a maximum of one month before the date of its publication.