If the employer is unable to offer the employee another job, it shall inform him/her in writing of the reasons for the refusal to redeploy.
The employer may only terminate the employment contract if he can justify either his inability to offer a job under the conditions provided for in article L. 1226-10, or the employee’s refusal of the job offered under these conditions, or the express mention in the occupational physician’s opinion that any continuation of the employee in the job would be seriously detrimental to his health or that the employee’s state of health prevents any redeployment in the job.
The obligation to redeploy is deemed to have been met when the employer has offered a job, under the conditions set out in article L. 1226-10, taking into account the opinion and indications of the occupational physician.
If the employer decides to make the employee redundant, he shall follow the procedure applicable to redundancy on personal grounds set out in Chapter II of Title III.