The chèque emploi-service universel is an employment voucher or a special payment voucher.
A.-The employment voucher enables :
1° To declare the employees mentioned in 3° ofarticle L. 133-5-6 of the Social Security Code;
2° To declare trainee au pair family helpers as mentioned in 6° of article L. 133-5-6 of the same code;
3° To declare the foster carers mentioned in article L. 441-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles.
B.-The special payment voucher is used to pay all or part of the amount of :
1° The remuneration and related social security contributions of employees working in the field of personal services mentioned in article L. 7231-1, maternal assistants approved in application of article L. 421-1 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles ;
2° Services provided by organisations approved or declared under articles L. 7232-1 and L. 7232-1-1 ;
3° Within the conditions and limits set by decree, services provided by the specialised organisations and establishments mentioned in article L. 1271-10;
4° Services provided by the organisations or persons mentioned in the first two paragraphs of article L. 2324-1 of the Public Health Code;
5° Services provided by organisations or persons organising a reception without accommodation as provided for in the same article L. 2324-1;
6° Services provided by persons organising childcare for children attending nursery or primary schools, limited to the hours before or after school;
7° Home help services provided to relatives in the ascending line in receipt of the personalised independence allowance by employees or personal services organisations;
8° Taxi passenger transport services financed by social benefits specifically intended for the elderly or people with reduced mobility;
9° Financial compensation as defined in article L. 442-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles.