I. – The author of an unavailable book or the publisher holding the right to reproduce that book in printed form may object to the exercise of the right of authorisation referred to in the first paragraph of I of article L. 134-3 by an approved collective management organisation. This opposition is notified in writing to the organisation mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 134-2 no later than six months after the book concerned is entered in the database mentioned in the same paragraph.
Note of this opposition is made in the database mentioned in the same article L. 134-2.
II. – The publisher who has notified his opposition under the conditions provided for in the first paragraph of I of this article is required to exploit the unavailable book concerned within two years of this notification. The publisher must provide proof of effective use of the book to the organisation approved in application of article L. 134-3. If the book is not exploited within the specified period, the mention of the opposition is removed from the database mentioned in Article L. 134-2 and the right to authorise its reproduction and representation in digital form is exercised under the conditions set out in the second paragraph of I of Article L. 134-3.
Proof of the actual exploitation of the book, provided by the publisher under the conditions set out in the first paragraph of this II, is without prejudice to the application of the articles L. 132-12 and L. 132-17.