I.-The difference between the number of women and the number of men among the members, other than the chairman, of each of the boards of directors of the establishments mentioned in articles L. 1142-22, L. 1222-1, L. 1413-1, L. 1418-1 and L. 5311-1 may not be greater than one.
Among the members appointed by the same person vested with the power of appointment or designation, the difference between the number of women and the number of men may not be greater than one.
In order to ensure compliance with the rule defined in the first paragraph, a decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the conditions under which the elections of staff representatives are organised so that the difference between the number of women and men among these representatives does not exceed one. It also determines the cases in which, in view of the lack of eligible persons of each sex noted at the time of the ballot, and by derogation to the first paragraph, the staff representatives are not taken into account for the application of the rule defined in this paragraph.
II. -If necessary, lots are drawn to determine which of the persons called upon to take part in the appointment or reappointment of the members of these boards and who appoint, respectively, one member or an odd number of members, will appoint, respectively, one woman or one man, or a greater number of women or a greater number of men.
However, if a person vested with the power of appointment or reappointment wishes to renew the term of office of an outgoing member, he shall nominate him beforehand. The other members will then be appointed after applying the draw mentioned in the previous paragraph, taking into account the members whose term of office has been renewed.
III.-The procedures for the draw mentioned in II and the period within which it is to be organised are set by decree.