Without prejudice to the powers of the départements under article L. 2111-2, health programmes designed to prevent the onset, development or worsening of illnesses or disabilities are determined by order of the Minister for Health and Social Security and, where necessary, the ministers concerned.
As part of this programme, preventive medical consultations and screening examinations are provided for, the list of which is set by order of the Minister for Health, after consultation with the High Authority for Health, as well as health information and education initiatives.
Disabled people benefit from additional specific preventive medical consultations. They receive medical expertise to ensure that they benefit from developments in therapeutic and technological innovations to reduce their disability. The frequency and form of these consultations are defined by order of the Minister for Health.
The expert medical teams responsible for these consultations may be consulted by the multi-disciplinary teams mentioned in article L. 146-8 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles, as part of the preparation of the personalised compensation plans provided for in article L. 114-1-1 of the same code.