The Agency has a Steering Committee which ensures the quality of its medical and scientific expertise, taking into account any ethical issues that may arise. This board must be consulted by the Director General on applications for the authorisations referred to in b of 10° of article L. 1418-1 and on issues relating to medical or scientific research that fall within the remit of the Agency. It also defines the criteria for assessing the training and experience required to approve the practitioners mentioned in 11° of the same article.
In addition to its Chairman, the Steering Committee comprises :
1° Representatives of the Conseil d’Etat, the Cour de cassation, the Comité consultatif national d’éthique pour les sciences de la vie et de la santé, the Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme ;
2° Qualified scientific experts in the Agency’s fields of activity;
3° Qualified persons with experience in the Agency’s fields of activity and persons qualified in the human and social sciences;
4° Representatives of associations of users of the healthcare system approved in application of article L. 1114-1, other associations whose purpose falls within the Agency’s areas of competence, associations of disabled people, family associations and associations working in the field of the protection of people’s rights;
5° Three deputies and three senators.
The Chairman and members of the Advisory Board are appointed by order of the Ministers for Health and Research.