The Chairman of the Board of Directors is responsible for the administration of the fire and rescue service. In this capacity, he prepares and executes the deliberations of the Board of Directors. He enters into contracts on behalf of the establishment and receives donations, legacies and subsidies on its behalf. He represents the institution in legal proceedings and is its authorising officer. He appoints the staff of the fire and rescue service.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors may also, by delegation from the Board of Directors, in whole or in part, and for the duration of his term of office, be responsible for taking out loans, within the limits determined by the Board of Directors, to finance the investments provided for in the budget and for taking the necessary steps to this end. He may be delegated to take the decisions referred to in III of article L. 1618-2. He informs the Board of Directors of the acts taken in the context of this delegation. It may be responsible for taking all decisions relating to the preparation, award, performance and payment of works, supply and service contracts that may be awarded in accordance with an adapted procedure. It may be responsible for setting the remuneration and paying the costs and fees of lawyers, notaries, bailiffs and experts.
He may delegate, by order, under his supervision and responsibility, the exercise of some of his functions to members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. Such delegation shall subsist until revoked.
In the event of absence or impediment of any kind, the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be temporarily replaced in full by the First Vice-Chairman and, in the event of the latter’s absence or impediment, by another Vice-Chairman. In the event of a simultaneous vacancy in the seats of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen, the Board of Directors shall be convened as a matter of urgency by the oldest member to elect a new bureau.