I. – Credits from the investment aid fund for departmental and territorial fire and rescue services are allocated to fire and rescue services, by the prefects of the defence zones for which they are responsible, in the form of grants for carrying out a specific operation corresponding to actual investment expenditure and contributing to the financing of communication systems or the implementation of departmental risk analysis and coverage plans mentioned in article L. 1424-7. The commune of Marseille is eligible for subsidies from this fund.
II. – Each year, a commission set up by the Prefect of the defence zone and made up of representatives of the boards of directors of the fire and rescue services determines the list of the various categories of priority operations eligible for subsidies from the fund and, within the limits set by decree, the minimum and maximum subsidy rates applicable to each of them.
III. – Each year, the defence zone prefect decides, according to the categories and within the limits set by the commission, the list of operations to be subsidised and the amount of State aid allocated to them. He will inform the commission of this.
IV. – A decree lays down the procedures for applying this article.