For the first election of the members of the board of directors of the departmental fire and rescue service, the administrative commission of the departmental service existing until the date of promulgation of the loi n° 96-369 du 3 mai 1996 relative aux services d’incendie et de secours, réunie en formation limitée aux représentants des collectivités territoriales et de leurs groupements, fixe la répartition des sièges mentionnés au 2° de l’article L. 1424-24 entre les conseillers généraux, les maires et les présidents d’établissements publics de coopération intercommunale. This distribution is established on the basis of the respective shares of the department, all the communes, and all the public establishments concerned, in the average of the operating expenditure incurred and relating to the fire and rescue services as shown in the last five known administrative accounts, and the capital expenditure incurred and relating to these services as shown in the last ten known administrative accounts of the department, the communes and the public establishments concerned.
The prefect sets the distribution of seats by order, in the light of the deliberation referred to in the first paragraph.