The provisions of Chapter I of Title I of Book I of this Part are applicable to the French Southern and Antarctic Territories subject to the following adaptations:
1° In the sixth paragraph of article L. 1111-2, the words: “are established by the Haute Autorité de santé and” do not apply;
2° The last paragraph of Article L. 1111-5 does not apply;
3° In the second paragraph of article L. 1111-7, the words: “or when the matter is referred to the departmental commission for psychiatric care in application of the fourth paragraph” and the fourth paragraph of the same article do not apply;
4° Article L. 1111-8 is applicable as drafted in Order no. 2017-27 of 12 January 2017, with the exception of the last sentence of the third paragraph of I, and the references L. 1421-3 and L. 1435-7 mentioned in VI are deleted;
5° (Deleted) ;
6° In the last sentence of Article L. 1111-9 the words :
“established by the High Authority for Health and” do not apply.