I. – In the event of the transformation, merger or attachment of the shareholding territorial authority of a single-operating semi-public company within another territorial authority or grouping of territorial authorities, the shareholding territorial authority transfers its shares to it, at their nominal value, on the date on which the transformation, merger or attachment becomes enforceable.
In the event of the transformation, merger or attachment of the shareholding territorial authority grouping of a single-operating semi-public company within another territorial authority grouping, the shareholding territorial authority grouping transfers its shares to it, at their nominal value, on the date on which the transformation, merger or attachment becomes enforceable.
The territorial authority or group of territorial authorities benefiting from the transfer is substituted for the transferor in all acts, deliberations, contracts and decisions relating to the purpose of the single-operating semi-public company.
II. – In the event of the transfer of the competence that is the subject of the contract concluded with the single-operating semi-public company from the shareholding territorial authority or grouping of territorial authorities to another territorial authority or grouping of territorial authorities, the shareholding territorial authority or grouping of territorial authorities transfers its shares to it, at their nominal value, on the date on which the transfer of the competence became enforceable.
The territorial authority or grouping of territorial authorities benefiting from the transfer is substituted for the transferor in all acts, deliberations, contracts and decisions relating to the purpose of the single-operating semi-public company.