The appropriations previously included in the State budget for the construction, equipment and operation of municipal and inter-municipal libraries and the equipment of departmental libraries are the subject of a special contribution within the general decentralisation grant. They are distributed by the State representative between the départements, communes and groups of local authorities carrying out investment work and non-permanent operating expenditure in respect of the powers they exercise by virtue of articles L. 310-1 and L. 330-1 of the Heritage Code.
The State’s financial contribution under the special assistance relating to municipal and inter-municipal libraries and departmental libraries provided for in the first paragraph must not have the effect of having all or part of the current operating expenses mainly grouping together staff remuneration costs, maintenance expenses and miscellaneous operating expenses corresponding to the authority’s remit, with the exception of those granted in the following two situations:
1° Initial, non-renewable aid granted when carrying out an operation;
2° Initial aid granted for a project to extend or change library opening hours.
A decree in the Conseil d’Etat sets the conditions for the application of this article, in particular those governing the financing of projects to extend or change library opening hours mentioned in 2°. These conditions of application are adapted as necessary to the overseas departments.