For the application of the provisions of Part One to the communes of French Polynesia and except where otherwise provided:
1° The reference to the département or region is replaced by the reference to French Polynesia; the word: “départemental” is replaced by the words: “de la Polynésie française”;
2° The words: “le représentant de l’Etat dans le département” and the words: “le préfet” are replaced by the words: “the High Commissioner of the Republic in French Polynesia”;
3° The amounts in euros are replaced by equivalent amounts in local currency taking into account the equivalent value of the euro in that currency;
4° The reference to the minimum growth wage is replaced by the reference to the guaranteed minimum wage in French Polynesia;
5° The words: “chambre régionale des comptes” are replaced by the words: “chambre territoriale des comptes”;
6° The words: “décret en Conseil d’Etat” are replaced by the word: “décret” .