The risk analysis and coverage plan for French Polynesia draws up an inventory of the risks of all kinds to the safety of people and property that the fire and rescue services have to deal with and determines the objectives for the coverage of these risks by the latter. It includes a section relating to the risk of fire in forests, agricultural areas and vegetation and determines the objectives for covering this risk.
The risk analysis and coverage plan is drawn up by the High Commissioner of the Republic in French Polynesia.
The High Commissioner adopts the risk analysis and coverage plan, within five years of the publication of the ordonnance n° 2006-173 du 15 février 2006 portant actualisation et adaptation du droit applicable en matière de sécurité civile en Polynésie française, après avis du gouvernement de la Polynésie française et du conseil d’administration de l’établissement public d’incendie et de secours de Polynésie française.
The scheme is revised every five years. It is preceded by an assessment of the objectives of the previous plan.