The article L. 1617-5, in its wording prior to Law no. 2017-1775 of 28 December 2017 on the rectifying finances for 2017,is applicable to the communes of French Polynesia subject to the following adaptations:
1° The first paragraph is deleted;
2° In the first and second paragraphs of 1°, the first paragraph of 2° and the first paragraph of 6°, the words: “territorial collectivity” are replaced by the word: “commune”;
3° In the second paragraph of 2°, the words: “the enforcement judge mentioned in Articles L. 213-5 et L. 213-6 of the Code de l’organisation judiciaire” are replaced by the words: “responsible for enforcement under the Code de procédure civile de la Polynésie française”;
4° In the first paragraph of 3°, the words: “des régions, des départements,” are deleted;
5° In the fourth paragraph of 5°, the words: “l’effet d’attribution immédiate, prévu à l’article 43 de la loi n° 91-650 du 9 juillet 1991 portant réforme des procédures civiles d’exécution,” are replaced by the words: “effet d’attribution immédiate” and the word: “collectivité” is replaced by the word: “commune”;
6° In the last paragraph of 6°, the words: “collectivités territoriales” are replaced by the word: “communes”.