A company may publicly state that it is a mission-driven company if the following conditions are met:
1° Its articles of association specify a raison d’être, within the meaning of article 1835 of the Civil Code;
2° Its Articles of Association specify one or more social and environmental objectives that the company has set itself as a mission to pursue in the course of its business;
3° Its Articles of Association specify the procedures for monitoring the performance of the mission mentioned in 2°. These procedures provide that a mission committee, distinct from the corporate bodies provided for in this book and which must include at least one employee, is exclusively responsible for this monitoring and presents an annual report attached to the management report, mentioned in article L. 232-1 of this code, to the meeting responsible for approving the company’s financial statements. This committee shall carry out any verification that it deems appropriate and shall be provided with any document required to monitor the execution of the assignment;
4° The execution of the social and environmental objectives mentioned in 2° shall be verified by an independent third-party body, in accordance with the procedures and publicity defined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat. This verification gives rise to an opinion attached to the report mentioned in 3°;
5° The company declares its status as a société à mission to the clerk of the commercial court, who publishes it, subject to compliance of its articles of association with the conditions mentioned in 1° to 3°, in the register of commerce and companies, under conditions specified by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.