The provisions of Chapter III of Title II of Book I of this Part relating to the mayor and his deputies are also applicable to the deputy mayors and their deputies respectively.
However, for the application of articles L. 2123-23 et L. 2123-24, the maximum allowances for the effective exercise of the functions of deputy mayor and deputy deputy mayor are voted by the municipal council on the basis of the population of the delegated commune, and the allowance paid for the functions of deputy mayor of the new commune cannot be combined with the allowance for deputy mayor or deputy deputy deputy mayor. The combined amount of the indemnities of the deputy mayors of the new commune and the delegated mayors may not exceed the combined amount of the maximum indemnities likely to be allocated to the deputy mayors of a commune belonging to the same demographic stratum as the new commune and the maximum indemnities likely to be allocated to the mayors of communes belonging to the same demographic strata as the delegated communes.