The transfer of the performer’s rights mentioned in this code is subject to the condition that each of the rights transferred is the subject of a separate mention in the contract concluded with the phonogram producer and that the field of exploitation of these rights is delimited as to its extent and destination, as to the place and as to the duration.
Any clause which tends to confer the right to exploit the performer’s performance in a form which cannot be foreseen or which has not been foreseen at the date of signature is express and stipulates, for the benefit of performers whose contracts provide for the direct payment by the producer of remuneration proportional to the revenue from exploitation, a correlative participation in the said revenue.
When a performer assigns to a phonogram producer a claim on the remuneration from future exploitations of his performance in return for an advance granted by the latter, this assignment may not relate to the remuneration mentioned in articles L. 214-1 and L. 311-1. Any clause to the contrary is null and void.
The assignment to the phonogram producer of performer’s rights other than those mentioned in this code is subject to the condition that each of the rights assigned is expressly mentioned separately in the contract.