An agreement or an extended collective branch agreement or a company or establishment agreement may reduce the period provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 212-4-3, within which the employee must be notified of the change in the distribution of working hours, from seven days to a minimum of three working days. In home help associations and companies, this period may be shorter in cases of emergency defined by an extended collective branch agreement or agreement or by a company or establishment agreement or agreement. The agreement or collective agreement covering the industry as a whole or the company or establishment agreement must provide for compensation to be given to the employee when the notice period is reduced to less than seven working days. This agreement or arrangement may also raise the limit on overtime, set in the second paragraph of the same article, to one third of the duration stipulated in the contract.
The collective agreement allowing the derogations provided for in the first paragraph must include guarantees relating to the implementation, for part-time employees, of the rights granted to full-time employees, and in particular equal access to promotion, career and training opportunities, as well as the setting of a minimum period of continuous work and a limit on the number of interruptions of activity during the same day. When the limit within which overtime may be worked exceeds one tenth of the weekly or monthly working hours set down in the employment contract, each overtime hour worked in excess of one tenth of the aforementioned period gives rise to an increase in salary of 25%.
The working hours of part-time employees may not include, in the course of a single day, more than one interruption of activity or an interruption of more than two hours unless an agreement or an extended collective branch agreement, or one approved in application of article L. 313-12 of the Code de l’Action Sociale et des Familles, or a company or establishment agreement provides for this either expressly or by defining the working hours during which employees must carry out their activity and their distribution throughout the working day, subject to specific compensation and taking into account the specific requirements of the activity carried out.