Voting shall take place by public ballot at the request of one quarter of the members present.
Voting shall take place by secret ballot:
1° Either when one third of the members present so request;
2° Or when an appointment or presentation is to be made.
In the latter cases, if none of the candidates has obtained an absolute majority after two rounds of secret balloting, a third round of balloting shall be held and the election shall take place by relative majority; in the event of a tie, the election shall be won by the eldest.
The Town Council may unanimously decide not to proceed by secret ballot with appointments or presentations, unless legislative or regulatory provisions expressly provide for this method of voting.
If only one nomination has been submitted for each post to be filled on municipal committees or in outside bodies, or if only one list has been presented after a call for nominations, the appointments take effect immediately, in the order of the list if applicable, and are read out by the mayor.
A municipal councillor suffering from a definite infirmity and making it impossible for him to insert his ballot paper in the envelope is authorised to be assisted by a person of his choice.