The employer is required to allow any employee of his company who is a member of a town council the time necessary to attend and participate in:
1° To plenary sessions of this council;
2° To meetings of committees of which he is a member and set up by a deliberation of the municipal council;
3° To meetings of the deliberative assemblies and boards of the bodies to which he has been appointed to represent the municipality;
4° To meetings of the assemblies, boards and specialised committees of national bodies to which he has been appointed or elected to represent local authorities or public establishments reporting to them.
In accordance with the procedures laid down by a Conseil d’Etat decree, the elected municipal councillor must inform the employer of the date of the session or meeting as soon as he is aware of it.
The employer is not obliged to pay as working time the time spent by the elected councillor at the aforementioned sessions and meetings.
At the start of his term of office as a municipal councillor, the employee benefits, at his request, from an individual interview with his employer on the practical arrangements for exercising his mandate with regard to his job. This interview does not replace the professional interview mentioned in article L. 6315-1 of the Labour Code.
The employer and the employee who is a member of the municipal council may agree on the measures to be implemented to facilitate reconciliation between the employee’s professional life and his elective duties and, where applicable, on the conditions of remuneration for time off devoted to the exercise of these duties.