The Ordinary General Meeting is held within six months of the end of the financial year to approve the accounts. The Public Prosecutor or any shareholder may apply to the President of the competent court, acting in summary proceedings, to order the directors to convene this meeting or to appoint an agent to do so, subject to a fine if necessary.
Each shareholder has a number of votes proportional to his share of the share capital. Decisions are taken by a majority of the votes held by the shareholders present or represented. On first call, the General Meeting may only validly deliberate if the shareholders present or represented hold at least one quarter of the share capital, and at least one half if it is a question of amending the Articles of Association. No quorum is required on second call.
The documents communicated to shareholders prior to the holding of general meetings, as well as the forms and deadlines by which shareholders are convened to these meetings, are determined by decree. Any interested party may ask the president of the competent court, acting in summary proceedings, to enjoin the directors, subject to a fine if necessary, to communicate these documents to the shareholders.
The General Meeting determines the amount of profits distributed to shareholders as dividends. In addition, the General Meeting may decide to distribute sums deducted from the reserves at its disposal. In this case, the decision expressly indicates the reserve items from which the deductions are made.
Any dividend distributed in the absence of an inventory or by means of a fraudulent inventory constitutes a notional dividend.
However, interim dividends on dividends for completed or current financial years, distributed before the accounts for these financial years have been approved, do not constitute fictitious dividends if a balance sheet drawn up during or at the end of the financial year and certified by one of the statutory auditors referred to in article L. 214-110 shows that the company has, during the financial year, after setting aside the necessary depreciation, amortisation and provisions, after deducting any previous losses and taking into account any profits brought forward, made net profits in excess of the amount of the interim dividends.
The Management Company is authorised to decide to distribute an interim dividend and to set the amount and date of the distribution.