The Articles of Association of the société de libre partenariat shall determine the duration of the accounting periods, which may not exceed twelve months. However, the first financial year may extend over any period not exceeding eighteen months.
Within eight weeks of the end of each half-year of the financial year, the manager of the société de libre partenariat shall draw up an inventory of the assets under the supervision of the custodian.
The company is required to inform the shareholders, at their request, of the composition of the assets within eight weeks of the end of each half-year. The statutory auditor verifies the composition of the assets before publication.
At least once a year, the manager(s) must report to the members on their management of the company, where applicable in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Articles of Association.
The société de libre partenariat draws up an annual report under the conditions set out in article L. 214-24-19 and a half-yearly report covering the first six months of the financial year.
These reports shall be made available to members, free of charge, within a timeframe set by decree.
The prospectus shall include the articles of association of the société de libre partenariat in accordance with the procedures specified by the general regulations of the Autorité des marchés financiers.